
Altes Tramdepot Brauerei Restaurant AG

Filiale Eiswerkstatt
Grosser Muristalden 6
3006 Bern

Opening hours

Wednesday to Sunday from 12.00 to 18.00 h

How to find us

The gelateria Eiswerkstatt is easy to reach:

With the bus: No. 12 from BERN MOBIL, in direction "Zentrum Paul Klee" / "Schosshalde"

The bus stop "Bärenpark" is right in front.
By car or by coach: The motorway exits "Wankdorf" or "Ostring" are only 5 to 10 minutes away. After leaving the motorway follow the signs to "Zentrum/Bärengraben".
You will find a meter parking (Klösterlistutz) and free blue zone parking close to the restaurant (Grosser Muristalden and Aargauerstalden).


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